RIOI_T_1 - SecondProblem

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Okram Cipuc is very smart dude that works at REF ( some ugly place where he should not in fact be ). But because he is the best in what he does, every day he gets job offers from all over the world. He gets n offers but he likes only k. And he asked his student Arudnam on his famous Avaj course, "which of them did I like?", Arudnam does not know the answer now he has to guess. How many times he will try in the worst case scenario?

SCORING : Your score is 100 * correctly solved files / number of files. File is correctly solved if you have solved all T tests correctly.


0 < N <= 20, 0 < K <= 20


There will be T tests, each test consists of 1 line containing N and K.
First line of the input is T, T lines follow containing N and K in that order.


Number asked in problem statement


5 2


Added by:Buda IM
Time limit:0.100s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64
Resource:own problem