SBSTR1 - Substring Check (Bug Funny)

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Given two binary strings, A (of length 10) and B (of length 5), output 1 if B is a substring of A and 0 otherwise.

Please note, that the solution may only be submitted in the following languages: Brainf**k, Whitespace and Intercal.


24 lines consisting of pairs of binary strings A and B separated by a single space.


The logical value of: 'B is a substring of A'.


First two lines of input:

1010110010 10110
1110111011 10011

First two lines of output:

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abdullah malikyar: 2014-07-21 10:18:44

guys guys the language specification is just a joke LOL the author is just trying to be funny

Last edit: 2014-07-21 10:20:28
pengyi: 2014-07-02 18:13:36

Is there something wrong with the author? Why can't I use other languages???

Prince Bansal: 2014-07-02 14:13:25

This is language specific question.
And I do not even heard about these languages.

habibullah bipu: 2014-07-01 17:07:41

i dislike those problem that are supports only one languages.

hzf: 2014-07-01 13:30:03


Sudheer Telugu: 2014-05-26 18:28:30

please..!! done it in java.. :D :D

Sidharth Yatish: 2014-05-24 17:02:42

one doubt.. should we give 24 inputs?

Last edit: 2014-05-24 17:03:54
Neeraj Jain: 2014-05-21 21:22:37

Hate Language specific problem

prakash: 2014-05-18 09:06:14

i can done this problem with c

mahmoud shawara: 2014-04-13 02:47:33

i did it with c++

Added by:adrian
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)