TEST - Life, the Universe, and Everything

Your program is to use the brute-force approach in order to find the Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything. More precisely... rewrite small numbers from input to output. Stop processing input after reading in the number 42. All numbers at input are integers of one or two digits.





In case of any problems with your code, you can take a look in the forum, you'll find the answer, only for this problem, in various languages.

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rishabhs_17: 2016-10-10 13:11:27

question is wrong
we have to exit as soon as we scan 42

rishabhs_17: 2016-10-10 12:59:52

has anyone solved it yet...

rishabhs_17: 2016-10-10 12:59:36

this question is ridiculus
i am not getting it every time i get wrong answer

fotisj: 2016-10-09 17:07:39

Guys, the definition of the problem is extremely sloppy. What is meant AFAIK (at least the solution to this problem was accepted): Input and output are happening on the commandline. Let the user enter a number. If the number is not "42", show the number to the user. Let him/her enter another number. If the entered number is 42, then stop.

rashi_96: 2016-10-05 22:12:57

How many inputs can the user give?

codeashish912: 2016-10-02 15:47:05

The given example is so wrong!

balaz42: 2016-10-01 00:51:18

If number is 42, so the program ended.

abeltre1: 2016-09-27 18:32:13

Are we getting a text file as input ?

sheeredmaze: 2016-09-27 13:39:13

do we have to only store some integers and then output all integers before 42???

realrefo31: 2016-09-26 11:06:24


Added by:mima
Time limit:4s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Resource:Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Problem's scores 2 votes

Concept difficulty
Concept difficulty 6%
Implementation difficulty
Implementation difficulty 7%
374 74