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Prime checker statistics & best solutions

Users accepted Submissions Accepted Wrong Answer Compile Error Runtime Error Time Limit Exceeded
1620 33400 21854 0 3260 1587 6699

1 2018-03-03 22:47:34 illumitata 700001 2.25 28M RUBY
2 2019-07-18 15:58:43 yapee 500000 3.31 28M RUBY
3 2010-02-26 17:10:41 Tomohito URUSHIBARA 123456 2.83 7.2M RUBY
4 2007-05-06 21:41:49 Miorel Palii 60001 1.72 7.3M RUBY
5 2018-02-12 04:27:42 hwb 27240 2.17 28M RUBY
6 2013-06-03 06:47:59 Dominique VAILLANT 27200 2.53 7.6M RUBY
7 2013-02-24 19:08:13 n2n 25000 1.78 7.3M RUBY
8 2013-04-23 06:46:14 hogeover30 10001 0.48 15M RUBY
9 2016-01-12 11:09:43 abdou_93 10000 2.36 9.7M RUBY
10 2011-03-19 20:52:51 YatsukoYin 7334 3.26 7.3M RUBY
11 2007-09-30 15:34:12 kronos 5000 1.98 7.3M RUBY
12 2010-11-09 18:48:59 Robert Borkowski 4096 0.02 7.3M RUBY
13 2011-06-05 07:27:37 prathamesh sonpatki 3333 0.93 7.3M RUBY
14 2008-02-27 22:48:39 Marcin Bazydło 2000 2.16 7.2M RUBY
15 2014-01-18 09:45:00 leafmoon 2000 2.60 7.5M RUBY
16 2015-03-18 16:40:08 Marek Ch. 2000 2.54 7.6M RUBY
17 2014-11-23 10:11:05 Alexey Alexandrov 51 0.00 7.2M RUBY
18 2013-04-22 14:07:31 Maxim Bogoyavlenskiy 50 0.01 7.2M RUBY
19 2013-04-22 20:44:48 gg wp 50 0.01 7.2M RUBY
20 2015-03-12 11:43:25 David 50 0.01 7.2M RUBY