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Lexicographical Substring Search statistics & best solutions

Users accepted Submissions Accepted Wrong Answer Compile Error Runtime Error Time Limit Exceeded
2040 15744 3409 3960 715 1225 3525

101 2016-12-19 15:03:35 DaD3zZ accepted 0.13 221M CPP14
102 2018-07-17 23:26:59 Doriath accepted 0.13 18M CPP14
103 2018-09-06 00:39:20 mihele accepted 0.13 17M CPP14
104 2018-10-24 01:50:47 JotaR accepted 0.13 40M CPP14
105 2019-03-14 03:59:54 Lucky Boy accepted 0.13 18M CPP14
106 2019-04-30 16:19:24 Eterna_King accepted 0.13 253M CPP14
107 2019-05-28 07:21:42 tnt666 accepted 0.13 18M CPP14
108 2020-03-06 09:13:34 Turin accepted 0.13 6.7M CPP14
109 2021-02-16 03:05:25 alex_wei accepted 0.13 6.8M CPP14
110 2016-10-06 10:10:16 Erumaru accepted 0.14 5.9M CPP14
111 2017-01-21 06:19:43 fshp971 accepted 0.14 26M CPP14
112 2017-08-14 17:06:08 Daniel accepted 0.14 19M CPP14
113 2017-11-10 10:33:18 DK... accepted 0.14 43M CPP14
114 2017-11-22 12:21:44 ffs144sxxxzz accepted 0.14 37M CPP14
115 2018-01-18 02:38:59 Mario_sz accepted 0.14 43M CPP14
116 2018-07-07 10:23:21 Fayaz accepted 0.14 32M CPP14
117 2018-08-13 05:24:39 Evildoer accepted 0.14 51M CPP14
118 2018-10-24 11:43:36 Raj accepted 0.14 27M CPP14
119 2018-12-27 04:26:21 Nishikino_Curtis accepted 0.14 40M CPP14
120 2019-03-13 02:54:40 liujch1998 accepted 0.14 18M CPP14