ALPHMATH - Alphabet Arithmetic

In his Introduction to Digital Arts and Sciences class, Dave frequently assigns homework. It usually consists of tedious exercises involving integer arithmetic. The students respond like true students: by complaining. So, to make the homeworks more exciting for his students, Dave has decided to disguise the exercises as alphabet arithmetic! This is exactly the same as integer arithmetic, except that instead of the usual digits 0 through 9, it uses letters A through J as the digits.

Help Dave generate the key to the homework!


Each test case will be on one line of the form "NUMBER OP NUMBER". Each NUMBER is positive and less than 100000. OP is one of +, -, *, /. You will not have to divide by zero.


For each test case, output the alphabet arithmetic answer on a single line.


G * H
D - F
B + B
H / C


Added by:Miorel Palii
Time limit:1s
Source limit:4096B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64 C++ 4.3.2 ERL NODEJS OBJC PERL6 SQLITE VB.NET
Resource:University of Florida Team Practice 2009

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2013-04-29 13:37:06 Anish Mashankar
how many test cases should be there?
2011-04-06 01:38:58 Luis Camilo
When does the code has to end?
How many test cases would there be?
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