Replace "?" with a integer so that output is 4.

int main()
int arr[7];
int b,c,d,a;
return 0;


No Input


Write only one integer as the answer. And submit as TEXT.

Note:Dont submit whole program and assume no optimization by compiler.

Added by:.::Manish Kumar::.
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Resource:own problem

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2018-05-26 17:29:55
Useless problem. Last AC submission 4.5 years ago -- the number I get with every compiler gets WA here. Please delete this.
2011-04-12 12:24:53 Ashutosh

Last edit: 2011-04-12 18:11:45
2011-01-25 16:53:41 vivek yadav
at my my comiler it give correct output
but on spoj it give wrong answer.
2010-12-17 14:12:26 যোবায়ের
I use many different local and online compiler and could not manage it to print 4 with arr[x] where, x is the integer I got AC with, so, its all about "how compiler behaves" or more specifically "how compiler allocates memory" :p
2010-11-09 05:24:17 .::Manish Kumar::.
Moved to tutorial.
I did not remove it, because it would draw attention towards how compiler behaves.
2010-11-09 05:24:17 Varun Jalan
Move it to the tutorial section or even better remove it altogether. Firstly it does not test any particular feature of the C language, and is not standard. Also, some compilers would optimise and not allocate b,c,d, while some would.
2010-11-09 05:24:17 Shaka Shadows
The problem has been designed considering just a particular compiler. Mine, which is gcc/g++ 4.4 never outputs 4 with the output value. So, a small hint: think as a compiler and forget about yours :)
2010-11-09 05:24:17 zingoba

Last edit: 2010-12-16 18:19:57
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