BFROTATE - rotate it

Rotate the given string starting at the given place from the end with wrapping around at the end. You are allowed to use only BrainFck!


Given an integer of strictly 2 digits and a string (length <= 99) in the same line without space between them. You may assume that the string consists of only printable characters and that the length of string is more than the given integer.


One string of the same length as input and which has same characters in different order as described by problem.




Added by:!(accepted)
Time limit:0.200s-1s
Source limit:256B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Resource:Prateek Sharma

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2012-11-28 15:11:58 Mostafa 36a2
116 byte code !!
Thanks GOD
2012-07-27 03:46:56 (Tjandra Satria Gunawan)(曾毅昆)
read until EOF = WA
assuming '\n' at the end of input = AC
2011-03-18 12:37:06 Siarhei Kulik
Nice problem :)
2011-03-18 12:37:06 !(accepted)
I apologize. The data set index was wrong and has been corrected. Solutions have been rejudged with the latest data sets.
2011-03-18 12:37:06 Arne
Is there something like a newline at the end of the input?
My submission works fine with the example and some other examples made up by me on I have no idea why I get "wrong answer".

I'm new here, I hope it's the right place to ask. But I'd be very thankful for any help.
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