Given two logic values p and q (0 or 1) please compute p XOR q.


1 1


Added by:kuszi
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64
Resource:Thanks to Mostafa 36a2

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2022-09-28 10:02:16
can any one help me in this please
2021-05-11 11:09:26
AC in one shot
2020-12-02 02:04:23
<0.5kb of code and explanations snipped>

[NG]: It's not that complicated and you´re not that smart. Yes, there are other people in the world that can do a xor b on their own.

Last edit: 2020-12-02 02:52:58
2020-06-26 14:25:32
Easy, i did this in 2 minutes. Pozdrawiam :D
2020-05-28 09:10:55
2020-05-04 21:08:41
After 2.5 hours, I finally figured it out. Thank you for this problem : )
2019-09-15 19:27:22
It just need a single line of code for solution
System.out.print(a ^ b);
2019-08-31 17:59:16
Took me three hours to understand but AC in one go. I believe I am one of the best programmers in the world !!
2019-07-20 08:24:27
worst problem....please move to tutorials so that one's time isnt wasted.
2019-04-10 22:06:57
Boosts the confidence level.
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