DB001 - DB & GCD

Db hates mathematics a lot. One day his mathematics teacher gives him a assignment. So he is asking for help to complete his assignment. Help Db as he is busy at SPOJ. The statement of assignment question is:

You are given an array A of integer of size N. Now your task is to find the maximum length of a contiguous subsequence among all beautiful subsequences. A beautiful subsequence is defined as a subsequence with GCD 1.

Note: GCD of subsequence means GCD of all element present in subsequence.


First line of input contains 1 <= T <= 100 number of test cases.

The first line of each test cases contains a number N (2 <= N <= 100000) Next line contains the elements of array A (1<= A[i] <= 1e9)


For every test case print maximum length of a contiguous subsequence if such type of subsequence does not exist, print -1.


2 4
1 1


Added by:bhardwaj_75
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2015-11-22 20:50:46 DIWAKAR BHARDWAJ
Thanks @an_shuman777 for remind me.
2015-11-21 19:44:35
I think the value of N should be greater than 1 not equal to 1.
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