DIVSRS - Divisors

Grundy is learning to find the divisors of a number. After a certain point, with huge surprise he noticed that there are some numbers for which he cannot find any divisor except for 1 and the number itself.

Now as a senior brother, he wants you to help him write a program which will help him to find such numbers in a given range [L, R].


Input starts with a single integer t (t <= 100). Next t lines contains two space separated integers L and R. (1 <= L <= R <= 500)


For every case t print the desired output in this format: “Case t: There are X numbers between L and R.” (Quotes for clarification).


1 10
14 16

Case 1: There are 4 numbers between 1 and 10.
Case 2: There are 0 numbers between 14 and 16.

Added by:imranziad
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