GSS6 - Can you answer these queries VI

Given a sequence A of N (N <= 100000) integers, you have to apply Q (Q <= 100000) operations:

Insert, delete, replace an element, find the maximum contiguous(non empty) sum in a given interval.


The first line of the input contains an integer N.
The following line contains N integers, representing the starting
sequence A1..AN, (|Ai| <= 10000).

The third line contains an integer Q. The next Q lines contains the operations in following form:

I x y: insert element y at position x (between x - 1 and x).
D x  : delete the element at position x.
R x y: replace element at position x with y.
Q x y: print max{Ai + Ai+1 + .. + Aj | x <= i <= j <= y}.

All given positions are valid, and given values are between -10000 and +10000.

The sequence will never be empty.


For each "Q" operation, print an integer(one per line) as described above.


3 -4 3 -1 6
I 6 2
Q 3 5
R 5 -4
Q 3 5
D 2
Q 1 5
I 2 -10
Q 1 6
R 2 -1
Q 1 6


Added by:Alfonso² Peterssen
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ERL JS-RHINO
Resource:my own

hide comments
2023-11-10 15:03:01
I have WA so many times......
2022-07-29 07:59:10
2021-10-07 03:13:53
2020-09-17 14:54:04
got ac using treap, it took 2.51 s but still ac
2019-06-23 12:14:12
Who else tried Treaps ?
2019-03-17 06:00:57 DK...
Using splay tree i got Ac in 1.17 s using scanf/printf and 1.47 s with fast I/O methods.
2017-07-17 20:29:51
0.55s with avl in c++, no fast I/O needed
0.37s with fast I/O btw

Last edit: 2017-07-17 20:51:16
2017-04-23 16:20:23
~200 line of code + optimize ~70 line
and half day for many stupid bug :P
if you need your code faster
1.) fast input output
2.) build tree in O(n) !!!

Last edit: 2017-04-24 08:14:52
2014-02-04 02:19:36 Jordan Alexander
If you're going to use a Skip List, you're going to need to optimize it so much it isn't even funny, and then you're still going to have to get lucky with the RNG.
2010-09-15 08:29:30 Ehor Nechiporenko
Is it required to make Self-balancing trees? Or problem can be resolved with using prime search trees?

RE: Test data was made to prevent the use of non-balanced trees, but if you can beat the tests with some cleverness, then you deserve the AC.

Last edit: 2011-01-15 06:44:37
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