HEARTS - Heart Smuggler

Dev is a heart smuggler and has stolen the heart of a girl in his class. Dev's class is situated at position X on a long road. If he reaches his home at position Y on the road(X < Y), he is safe. Unfortunately, the police have found out about Dev's smuggling activity and in an attempt to catch him, they start patrolling the road from position C to D(C < D). If Dev sets foot on any are between C and D he will get caught. Given X, Y, C, D determine if Dev can reach his home without getting caught by the police.

Each test case consists of one line denoting four integers (X Y C D), separated by single spaces.
You can safely assume that (X < Y) and (C < D).
0 <= X, Y, C, D <= 10 ^ 6

Print a line saying "YES", if Dev can reach his home safely, else print "NO".

1 5 4 6
Dev starts at position 1 and has to go to position 5 on the road. Unfortunately, the police are patrolling between positions 4 and 6. Hence Dev will get caught somewhere between position 4 and 5. So the output is "NO".
(Look at the image for better explanation)

Example 2
1 5 7 10

Added by:kousik
Time limit:0.5s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64
Resource:Common problem

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