ICAMPSEQ - IOICamp Sequence

Let's say we have 4 N-elements sequences of real numbers: A[], B[], C[], D[] .
Funtion F(i, j) is defined: F(i, j) = |Ai - Aj| + |Bi - Bj| + |Ci - Cj| + |Di - Dj| (1 ≤ i, j ≤ N).
Your task is very easy: you have to find the maximum of F(i, j).


The first line: N (N ≤ 100000).
Following are N lines: the i-th line contains four real numbers Ai, Bi, Ci, Di. (-109 ≤ Ai, Bi, Ci, Di ≤ 109)


Only one line is the maximum of F(i, j).
(The result takes exactly 3 decimal places)


1.0 1.0 2.0 0.5
1.0 1.0 0.5 2.0


Added by:Nghia Nguyen Hoang
Time limit:0.100s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ERL JS-RHINO NODEJS PERL6 VB.NET
Resource:IOICamp and Ms. Thanh Vy Hua Le

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2015-04-20 21:41:36 Sahil
It gives a WA

Last edit: 2023-01-18 15:14:21
2013-01-20 20:08:13 Zhiang
Be careful!!
slow I/O routine will give TLE even if the algorithm runs in linear time
2012-08-05 18:45:58 ɥsǝןǝǝu
i don no why i'm getting WA...
2012-06-26 10:18:15 unXled
got AC :)
requires a fast I/O routine....
2012-02-10 14:08:11 Harpreet Singh Khurana
can someone tell me a routine to read double in c which is faster than scanf
2012-01-26 14:56:15 kipoujr
In order to pass, you should make your own function to read a double. Remember it can be negative too.
2011-05-31 12:54:34 Krzysztof Lewko
Wow this problem is a pain if you have a bug in your code
2011-04-30 05:52:55 SCQ
I keep getting TLE! Can someone help me? My solution is 16 * N
2010-09-28 17:25:39 Trần Hải Ðãng
That 's really funny, got TLE in C++ 4.3 but AC in C++ 4.0
2010-09-20 18:23:40 Pranay
got TLE with code in C++ 4.3 but same code in C++ 4.0 just passed!!
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