MOZSAHTF - Sharmeen And Her Two Friends

Sharmeen is a little girl who has two close friends Samira and Rabeya. Samira loves both even and odd numbers but Rabeya loves even numbers if all the numbers are even and odd numbers if all the numbers are odd. One day Sharmeen play a game with them, she selects two numbers and calculate the difference of the numbers. Then she told Samira and Rabeya the difference of the numbers hiding the original numbers and asked them is she choose the two numbers for Samira or for Rabeya? Sharmeen will select one odd number and one even number if she selects it for Samira. If she selects the numbers for Rabeya then all two numbers will be even or all two numbers will be odd.

Given the difference of the numbers, can you tell for whom Sharmeen selects the numbers?


You will be given an integer number n (0<=n<=10^5) which is the difference of the two numbers.


Print “Samira” if Sharmeen selects the numbers for Samira, Otherwise print “Rabeya” without quote. Don’t forget to print new line after your answer.

See the sample input output for better understanding.




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