ORTL1P06 - Fahrenheit

Write a program that converts temperature to Celsius if it's given in Fahrenheit (input will have an 'F' after the number), or vice versa, if it's given in Celsius (input will have a 'C' after the number).

At least two decimal places must be exact. Other decimals are ignored.

If C is the temperature in Celsius, the conversion formula to Fahrenheit is: F = 32 + 9*C/5.0

If F is the temperature in Fahrenheit, the conversion formula to Celsius is: C = 5*(F-32)/9.0


One line with an integer number (between -200 and 100), a space, and a letter ('C' or 'F')


The temperature converted, in the same format as the input (a number, a space, and a letter 'C' or 'F' indicating if it was converted to Celsius or Fahrenheit, respectively.


22 C

71.60 F

Added by:Joaquin
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64

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2015-09-27 07:55:26
on submission i got "50" written on result column with row printed in black ..... but the code is not accepted ...??????
please help...... someone... admin spoj
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