PIVAL - Digits of Pi

In this problem you have to find as many digits of PI as possible.


Output must contain as many digits of PI as possible (not more than 1000000).


The score awarded to your program will be the first position of the digit where the first difference occured.



will be awarded with 33 points.

Added by:Roman Sol
Time limit:5s
Source limit:4096B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: CLPS LISP sbcl LISP clisp ERL JS-RHINO
Resource:ZCon 2005

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2014-06-30 22:20:52 Tizen
Its given that the points awarded will be RELATIVE to the top score. What does this exactly mean?
My score is 4K n the best score is 890K, n i have got no points. What should be the least score to get points?

Last edit: 2014-06-30 22:23:43
2014-06-14 08:05:07 KICK
i am new to SPOJ
i am getting 801
what does that mean?
2014-05-29 15:45:13 Steven Hans Limantoro
If I got 0, what is the meaning of this?
2014-03-10 12:38:31 Michooool
I have not get any points ... just written 3895

Last edit: 2014-03-10 12:39:42
2014-01-12 20:20:14 Alexandre Henrique Afonso Campos

The points to your account are relative to the best score. This is explained in the tutorial session.
2013-12-23 23:18:59 Archangel
i got 17, and no points in my account..can someone explain me what it means that points will be awarded?
2013-08-14 11:23:03 @looser@
i am getting 2779
what mens this ?
2013-07-09 04:55:30 Pranye Mawai
hey rishabh r u here..
2013-06-08 12:31:03 Vishal Sharma
i am getting 53 digits in ideone compiler but here it is giving just 17 by python using Decimal class
2013-01-19 20:49:10 nbcool
I have not get any points and it is written 33 only.Please help me
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