PT07Y - Is it a tree

You are given an unweighted, undirected graph. Write a program to check if it's a tree topology.


The first line of the input file contains two integers N and M --- number of nodes and number of edges in the graph (0 < N <= 10000, 0 <= M <= 20000). Next M lines contain M edges of that graph --- Each line contains a pair (u, v) means there is an edge between node u and node v (1 <= u, v <= N).


Print YES if the given graph is a tree, otherwise print NO.


3 2
1 2
2 3


Added by:Thanh-Vy Hua
Time limit:0.5s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ERL JS-RHINO
Resource:Co-author Amber

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2015-05-23 08:29:50 pk
AC in 2nd go... union find algorithm is easy... just a few few line of code... :)
2015-05-22 15:54:41 Rakend Chauhan
maintaining a proper visited array is enough to solve this problem
2015-05-19 22:37:29
@Pavan Thangella: You got lucky! There is one instance in this problem so you had a 50% change of getting it right. There is no way around having to do a bfs/dps. You have to search in any case to check the connectivity of the graph. See "" for more info.
2015-05-11 14:06:24 OneMoreError
my first bfs :)
2015-04-15 17:03:05
I used:
didn't work..

Last edit: 2022-08-22 16:39:18
2015-04-14 02:33:19 Pavan Thangella
No need of any graph algorithms. Maintain a visited array is enough.
2015-03-28 13:32:50 parmeet bhatia
Do not assume connected graph (one connected component). I got one WA because of that.
2015-02-18 14:56:43 Harish Reddy Kolanu
Try using union find algorithm
executes in 0.00
2015-01-25 01:19:39 Rahul Jain
@krishan kumar, the ans should also be NO
2015-01-22 13:13:25 Ankur Mohanty
recommended for graph beginners
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