TPC07 - Change

How many ways are there to pay n cents? We assume that the payment must be made with pennies (1 cent), nickels (5 cents), dimes (10 cents), quarters (25 cents), and half-dollars (50 cents).

For example, there are four ways to pay 13 cents, namely (13 pennies), (2 nickels, 3 pennies), (1 nickel, 8 pennies), and (1 dime, 3 pennies).


The input will contain multiple test cases. Each test case contains a single line with a single integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 1000000000).

The input will be terminated by the end of file.


For each input integer n, output how many ways are there to pay n cents in a single line.

Sample Input


Sample Output


Added by:abdelkarim
Time limit:2.929s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64
Resource:TJU Programming Contest 2007

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2019-05-17 09:33:00
Problem was ripped from "Concrete mathematics" ch.7.
Bottom up dp or recurrence will end in TLE.
Use formula instead.
2015-12-30 08:21:01 darryl
Learn something new today...
2014-05-19 19:13:22 [Lakshman]

Last edit: 2014-05-20 11:16:12
2014-02-10 03:38:47 Apoorv Jindal
AWESOME problem!

Last edit: 2013-12-24 08:29:31
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