Wojciech Czapiga


Poland, Dębica, Zawierzbie

Institution: Technikum nr 2 w Dębicy im. Eugeniusza Kwiatkowskiego

I'm new to IT, but i've spend over 10 years using PC. At some point it made me curious how do "they" make games. I wanted to make one too. As a kid i couldn't do anything more than create drawings that define my "dream game". I, nor my brothers knew about C++ or other langs. My story with coding starts in 2012, when I was trying to make my own mods to Minecraft. First I used special Mod-Making programs, but later it was not enough. At this point i started exploring games' files, forums etc. to find out how to mod. Unfortunately I gave up after i couldn't understand anything in code. After 2012 everything changed. I've learned english by playing MMO's and my older brother started coding. I got really hooked up to it too, but knew I had little to no time to learn, so I waited to get to IT class in one of the best High schools in area. Now i want to catch up all the lost years.

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