AP2 - AP - Complete The Series (Easy)

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Arithmetic and geometric Progressions are 2 of the well known progressions in maths.

Arithmetic progression(AP) is a set in which the difference between 2 numbers in constant. for e.g., 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 ... In this series the difference between 2 numbers is 2.

The task here is very simple indeed.

You will be given the 3rd term , 3rd last term and the sum of the series. You need print length of the series and the series.


First line will contain a number indicating the number of test cases.

Each of the following t lines will have 3 number '3term', '3Lastterm' and 'sum'

3term - is the 3rd term in of the series and

3Lastterm - is the 3rd term in of the series and

sum - is the sum of the series.


For each input of the test case, you need to print 2 lines.

First line should have 1 value - the number of terms in the series.

2nd line of the output should print the series numbers separated by single space.


3 8 55

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


  • In all the test cases, all the series elements are positive integers.
  • The series will have at least 7 elements.
  • number of test cases <=100.
  • All the numbers will fit in 64 bits (long long in C)

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Praneeth : 2013-12-20 18:15:13

Some simple math involved to slove by using the inputs and got ac:) in first attempt

Gabriel Siedler: 2013-12-08 19:27:06

Impossible to solve in time with C#.

Zachary Fakename: 2013-11-22 23:29:42

While this insight seems trivial, it gave me some head ache. For the output, don't try to loop (val += stepsize) until (val == x_n).
[spoiler]It can happen that val == x_i == x_n with i != n[/spoiler]

Last edit: 2013-11-22 23:42:41
swagnik dutta: 2013-09-23 08:25:19

@Devil D i didn't see a single successful solution in java and ruby till now http://www.spoj.com/ranks/AP2/lang=JAVA.

My solution(<snip>) gets TLE. Can you please increase the time limit for java?

Last edit: 2023-02-04 22:24:47
intriguer: 2013-08-16 09:53:40

Last edit: 2013-08-19 07:55:50
zulfiqar murhej: 2013-07-21 19:51:48

please can anyone help me with strong test cases
can anyone tell me what is the answer of this test case

144115188075855890 144115188075856304 7349874591868660947
144115188075856304 144115188075855890 7349874591868660947

Joey Tribbiani: 2013-07-17 11:21:25

@Devil D
Please check out submission no. 9669871
Please point out any errors?
Cant figure any

Akshita Agarwal: 2013-07-12 19:18:21

i am confused...should there be an endl after every output test case??

..........: 2013-07-05 14:52:11

Accepted in first strike

pika_pika: 2013-07-04 17:54:56

all this time i was using %I64u flag for scanf and long long and that gave WA infinite times while it worked superbly on my system with gcc 4.7.1 but the second i changed it to %Lu i got no output on my sys but AC on ideone and spoj.. why??? the gcc versions are same aren't they... ???

Added by:Devil D
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