Slavko has started to follow the NBA league. The game duration is exactly 48 minutes. When a game ends, the statistics are shown. Slavko has written down whenever a team scored. He is curious about how long each team was in the lead.


The first line of input contains one integer N (1 ≤ N ≤ 100). The following N lines describe events when a team scored. Each description consists of a team that scored, which is either 1 or 2, and a timestamp in format MM:SS (minutes:seconds), the time when a team scored. Minutes and seconds are zero padded and from ranges [00, 47] and [00, 59] (inclusive). The given timestamps are unique.


The first line of output must contain the duration that the first team was in the lead.

The second line of output must contain the duration that the second team was in the lead.

All durations should be in MM:SS format, with leading zeros.


1 01:10
2 21:10
2 31:30


hide comments
Master_Card: 2014-07-12 19:09:21

Stuck at judge 12.Plz Help

ritish: 2014-01-26 02:36:08

i'm also taking care of range but still WA at judge 12

Hitman: 2013-12-22 23:19:50

mazaa aa gya AC at 1 go !!!
nice & easy

Piyush Subedi: 2013-06-08 17:09:21

judge 12 driving me crazy! =.= assistance needed!...

BLANKRK: 2013-05-25 13:00:25

nice! nice! nice!
got accept in 2nd chance :D
cost 1 WA bcz of missng one condsn :P

Eduardo Nunes: 2013-04-28 13:08:26

AC thanks to Robert Milijaš comment ;-)
@Paul Draper, agreed

Haijun Deng: 2013-04-17 02:48:05

Still WA with the following Test Cases:
1 01:40
2 02:20
1 03:10


Last edit: 2013-04-17 02:52:26
kamalesh: 2012-12-27 14:54:21

enjoyed solving this!!!

Paul Draper: 2012-12-20 01:40:28

I recommend changing the sport to soccer. The points per scoring are ASSUMED TO BE ALWAYS THE SAME (i.e. not basketball).

To @Mohammed Khairy and @Andy William: the times are given in order.

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