SBSTR1 - Substring Check (Bug Funny)

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Given two binary strings, A (of length 10) and B (of length 5), output 1 if B is a substring of A and 0 otherwise.

Please note, that the solution may only be submitted in the following languages: Brainf**k, Whitespace and Intercal.


24 lines consisting of pairs of binary strings A and B separated by a single space.


The logical value of: 'B is a substring of A'.


First two lines of input:

1010110010 10110
1110111011 10011

First two lines of output:

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[Lakshman]: 2013-04-12 14:17:55

..Now am Trying it in BF....

Last edit: 2013-04-29 16:53:03
卢昶舟: 2013-02-21 01:28:05

I only know Free Pascal and a little C++!!Oh!What a pity!

C64USER: 2012-12-19 17:12:55

a simple unix script with awk and grep will do it!

Abhishek Kandoi: 2012-12-18 10:16:57

maybe its too easily implemented using c++

Jorian: 2012-11-29 13:13:27

sir,why i am getting compilation error every time.

garretthh07: 2012-08-01 05:53:07

I only know c/c++ and java !!oh, what a pity!!

Added by:adrian
Time limit:1s
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Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)