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Users accepted Submissions Accepted Wrong Answer Compile Error Runtime Error Time Limit Exceeded
3300 14412 4288 4132 707 1746 2688

141 2018-01-30 06:21:55 KK accepted 0.16 92M CPP14
142 2018-09-16 16:20:41 BBBob accepted 0.16 282M CPP14
143 2018-09-19 20:17:37 pramod accepted 0.16 92M CPP14
144 2018-11-02 14:57:13 asati accepted 0.16 91M CPP14
145 2018-12-09 03:50:34 sonu accepted 0.16 167M CPP14
146 2019-02-11 21:23:56 hahahah accepted 0.16 168M CPP14
147 2019-05-27 21:45:48 kdjjain accepted 0.16 168M CPP14
148 2019-07-15 18:00:31 maratha accepted 0.16 168M CPP14
149 2019-09-17 14:56:18 Anik Chakraborty accepted 0.16 80M CPP14
150 2019-10-14 12:19:00 Anuj accepted 0.16 79M CPP14
151 2019-12-11 07:37:13 fakesson accepted 0.16 117M CPP14
152 2019-12-20 11:23:12 Bhawesh Madhwani accepted 0.16 157M CPP14
153 2020-02-11 21:34:51 Shuvon accepted 0.16 132M CPP14
154 2020-04-03 11:33:44 ajayGupta007 accepted 0.16 118M CPP14
155 2020-06-20 06:22:03 Raj Kesharwani accepted 0.16 80M CPP14
156 2020-09-19 17:38:56 herondale accepted 0.16 118M CPP14
157 2020-09-29 07:29:37 Sudo rm -rf universe accepted 0.16 166M CPP14
158 2020-11-26 17:41:46 mertahan accepted 0.16 121M CPP14
159 2020-12-12 21:45:51 Fahim accepted 0.16 118M CPP14
160 2020-12-18 12:13:46 arvel_2020 accepted 0.16 118M CPP14