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Negative Score statistics & best solutions

Users accepted Submissions Accepted Wrong Answer Compile Error Runtime Error Time Limit Exceeded
3374 14382 4934 3817 863 1803 2261

1 2012-11-28 11:01:55 Andy accepted 0.29 8.5M C
2 2018-12-18 04:18:52 Anonymous accepted 0.46 17M C
3 2014-04-03 21:58:23 Sergej accepted 0.47 3.5M C
4 2018-09-05 05:55:20 Ayoub_Dergaoui accepted 0.49 17M C
5 2013-11-03 10:28:04 Shakim accepted 0.54 4.3M C
6 2017-02-12 10:01:14 nir accepted 0.61 12M C
7 2017-03-20 15:00:48 Devil accepted 0.63 18M C
8 2017-08-12 04:47:32 nebojsa037 accepted 0.63 11M C
9 2016-08-26 19:20:45 v.sharath chandra accepted 0.64 4.4M C
10 2017-02-19 05:28:06 anshul8398 accepted 0.64 13M C
11 2017-03-01 16:09:56 swapnil accepted 0.64 12M C
12 2013-02-23 16:52:52 sandipan accepted 0.65 3.3M C
13 2013-01-31 19:00:46 Rohit accepted 0.69 10M C
14 2015-05-14 17:27:57 Rohan Juneja accepted 0.69 9.3M C
15 2015-02-16 13:49:37 Surjection accepted 0.73 8.8M C
16 2012-07-14 08:59:15 Tarun Chabarwal accepted 0.74 4.3M C
17 2012-09-17 08:07:50 raw_input() accepted 0.74 9.3M C
18 2014-09-05 10:43:22 t4nuj accepted 0.74 9.6M C
19 2014-09-05 11:03:03 Sidharth Raja accepted 0.74 5.8M C
20 2012-06-24 13:45:22 Piyush Kapoor accepted 0.75 3.0M C