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Lexicographical Substring Search statistics & best solutions

Users accepted Submissions Accepted Wrong Answer Compile Error Runtime Error Time Limit Exceeded
2039 15743 3408 3960 715 1225 3525

41 2018-01-19 19:44:11 CLown1331 accepted 0.06 19M CPP14
42 2018-03-31 18:56:00 kuppu accepted 0.06 18M CPP14
43 2018-07-18 15:01:12 Kapil accepted 0.06 22M CPP14
44 2018-10-09 19:17:22 humayan accepted 0.06 21M CPP14
45 2016-01-19 18:39:37 shady accepted 0.07 6.4M CPP14
46 2017-07-06 07:24:11 Sarvagya Agarwal accepted 0.07 18M CPP14
47 2018-08-17 04:06:06 Mogician accepted 0.07 28M CPP14
48 2019-09-12 01:05:34 Pranto accepted 0.07 7.0M CPP14
49 2020-08-03 05:49:58 PhuLeeThanh accepted 0.07 5.2M CPP14
50 2015-06-18 08:26:47 DynamicTrees accepted 0.08 5.3M CPP14
51 2016-02-26 02:50:04 Motivation accepted 0.08 6.1M CPP14
52 2017-10-28 21:26:59 Chico accepted 0.08 40M CPP14
53 2018-11-07 08:58:15 lazyc97 accepted 0.08 17M CPP14
54 2019-08-01 14:45:56 Ramprosad accepted 0.08 5.5M CPP14
55 2019-09-13 05:49:26 cfms3 accepted 0.08 5.1M CPP14
56 2019-09-25 09:44:19 Mahdi accepted 0.08 5.7M CPP14
57 2019-11-06 18:33:13 Solaiman accepted 0.08 6.7M CPP14
58 2020-08-02 11:16:03 fegla accepted 0.08 6.4M CPP14
59 2020-08-02 22:25:15 batata accepted 0.08 5.3M CPP14
60 2020-10-25 23:43:58 SuhaibSawalha1 accepted 0.08 6.4M CPP14