ARNAB1 - Insert and Search

Professor Arnab is hiding some gold coins in a field. Students are required to find the gold coins. Since the professor is very busy person, he assigns you the task of hiding the coins. Since, you are a student, you will help your friends by telling them if there is a coin at the coordinate given by your friends.


You will be given 2 types of queries : Insert (0) and Search (1).

  • 0 x y: Insert a coin at (x, y)
  • 1 x y: Report if there is a coin at (x, y)


For every query, print the query statement as it is. For Search query, print "Yes" or "No" (quotes only for clarity) accordingly. For every query, print a blank line at the end.

* The coordinates (x, y) will be such that both x and y have at most 6 digits after the decimal. Output format as sir told.


0 <= x <= 1

0 <= y <= 1

Total Queries <= 1e5


0 0.2777 0.0886
0 0.8335 0.7793
1 0.6649 0.0492
0 0.0027 0.2362
0 0.7763 0.0059
0 0.3426 0.0540
0 0.5211 0.5736
0 0.6429 0.2567
1 0.2777 0.0886
1 0.3426 0.0540

0 0.277700 0.088600

0 0.833500 0.779300

1 0.664900 0.049200

0 0.002700 0.236200

0 0.776300 0.005900

0 0.342600 0.054000

0 0.521100 0.573600

0 0.642900 0.256700

1 0.277700 0.088600

1 0.342600 0.054000

Credits: Saurav Kumar for writing story.

As this is tutorial problem, try to solve this problem using quadtrees and kdtrees to learn about them.

Added by:devu
Time limit:20s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64 JS-MONKEY

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