BEANALGO - Think Different

Exponentiating by squaring is a general method for fast computation of large integer powers of a number.The same idea allows fast computation of large exponents.

For example, the evaluation of

     x^13 = ((x^2 · x)^2)^2 · x

This algorithm needs only 5 multiplications instead of 12 (13-1).

Write a program that reads the parameters of the algorithm from the standard input, computes the number of multiplications we need, and writes the result to the standard output.


The input begins with the integer t, the number of test cases. Then t test cases follow. For each test case the first and only line of the input contains exactly one integer n.

0 <= n <= 10^18


For each test case the output contains exactly one integer equal to the number multiplications we have to compute in this given algorithm.




Added by:Mrs. Bean
Time limit:0.100s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Resource:Own Problem

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2012-07-01 17:35:31 Aditya Pandey
gud job dear keep going :)
2012-07-01 17:35:31 Aradhya
But why there is a lang restriction :D it would be good to open it for all :)
2012-07-01 17:35:31 Aradhya
Tutorial for sure :)
@tjandra: :D :D may be :P
2012-07-01 17:35:31 MR. BEAN
nice problem :)
2012-07-01 17:35:31 jaans
Tutorial for sure :D
@tjandra:: +1 with you :)
2012-07-01 17:35:31 Francky
if n==0:
we don't need any multiplication!-> 0
RE -> Ok.. DOne!!

Last edit: 2012-07-01 09:57:00
2012-07-01 17:35:31 Rajesh Kumar
Ans for 0???
2012-07-01 17:35:31 Francky
Tutorial problem for sure. 0.00 with scanf/printf and simple way.
I think it should be open for all language and add a little more time for slow ones.
2012-07-01 17:35:31 (Tjandra Satria Gunawan)(曾毅昆)
nice problem :) but will be more fun if you increase limit for n to 10^100 or 10^1000 :D
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