BFFAB - Budget for Flowers and Books

Flowers are a symbol of love, beauty and peace. When we get up in the morning and see a flower, it brings a smile on our face. We feel peaceful and at least for fraction of a second, we forget our worries. Flowers make a place colorful and beautiful.

Giving flowers as gift is Sunnah. We can mention a Sahih Hadith from Muslim: 

Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: He who is presented with a flower should not reject it, for it is light to carry and pleasant in odour (Muslim Sharif).

There is a popular poem in Bengali Harvest of Flower (ফুলের ফসল) which is written by Satyendranath Dutta.

If you manage to get one paisa,
buy food to feed your hunger,
But if you manage two,
take half and buy a flower.
- Harvest of Flower (ফুলের ফসল), Satyendranath Dutta

Muhsin loves a lot flowers and book. After knowing ‘flowers as a gift is Sunnah’ he decided to for Eid Gifts. He wants to buy some flowers and good books for his family, friends, well wishers even for his haters! Because he believes that, if he gives flowers and books to his haters they obviously become his friends. That’s why he likes to portion his income of this month (523653 BDT) into three equal parts. First part is for his regular expenses, second part is for buying flowers and third part is for buying some good books.

Please help him to calculate the amount of each portion. You don’t need to calculate precision.


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You should print the amount of each portion exactly in the following format without quotes (where X is an integer and it refers the amount of each portion)

"Budget of each portion is X BDT."

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