FMORSE1 - Fractionated morse cipher

Fractionated morse is a classic cipher:

The plaintext letters are in [A-Z] only with no punctuation.
Each letter of the plaintext is first enciphered using Morse code with "|"
after every letter.

If the length of the resulting string is not multiple of three, you have to truncate the remaining symbols.

Standard morse table:
A=.-  B=-...  C=-.-.  D=-..  E=.  F=..-.  G=--.  H=....  I=..  J=.---  K=-.-  L=.-..  M=--
N=-.  O=---  P=.--.  Q=--.-  R=.-.  S=...  T=-  U=..-  V=...-  W=.--  X=-..-  Y=-.--  Z=--..

This series of [A-Z] and | letters is taken off in units of three, each trigraph set and
cipher letters assigned to each group using a keyword alphabet to obtain the ciphertext.

Fractionated morse table with keyword alphabet (key=ROUNDTABLE):
R=...  O=..-  U=..|  N=.-.  D=.--  T=.-|  A=.|.  B=.|-  L=.||  E=-..  C=-.-  F=-.|  G=--.
H=---  I=--|  J=-|.  K=-|-  M=-||  P=|..  Q=|.-  S=|.|  V=|-.  W=|--  X=|-|  Y=||.  Z=||-

Your task is simple. You only will have to code the input message using the keyword.
You have to reduce the keyword by the alphabet:
(JIMMORRISON => JIMORSN reduced key)
Score is the source length.


N testcases (no more than 100)
Each line of the input contains the keyword and a plaintext.
The keylength max is 100 and the length of the plaintext is limited to 200.
The last testcase ends with EOF.


Output consist of exactly N lines of cyphertexts with letters in [A-Z] with no spaces.




Added by:legrand
Time limit:1s-5s
Source limit:2000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)

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2013-09-24 13:23:16 Aditya Pande
How do u get the Fractionated morse table for a particular key?
=>there is a logic, it's part of the problem. Read the problem and the table carefully.

Last edit: 2013-09-24 15:01:18
2013-06-11 20:33:09 Mostafa 36a2
Thanks For The Problem Enjoy It :)
2013-02-27 18:29:52 Mitch Schwartz
Thanks for the reply. I figured it out: Original problem statement said '|' appears between letters, but now it says '|' appears after every letter, and the trailing '\n' was causing me to add an extra '|' without realising (which just happened to give the right answer with the modified statement).
2013-02-27 18:29:52 legrand
@mitch: no. I have verified it at the moment and I don't see where it comes as the file format is a unix ASCII text file.
perhaps it comes from the '\n' at the end of every line of the file.

Last edit: 2013-02-27 16:58:35
2013-02-27 18:29:52 Mitch Schwartz
When I replace split(' ') with split() it goes from AC to WA. I think that means there is something wrong with the input, maybe some keyword contains a tab character or something?
2013-02-27 18:29:52 legrand
The restriction on language is I want C/C++ or python shorten only, except Caml. but I think it can't be as short as C or python.
2013-02-27 18:29:52 Mitch Schwartz
If the length of transformed text is not divisible by 3, do we right-pad it with some character, or truncate it?

Edit: Oh, you already changed the problem statement to include this information. :)

Any reason for the restricted language list? I happened to write it in Python anyway without noticing the restriction.

Last edit: 2013-02-27 16:00:36
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