HAPPYB - Happy Birthday !!!

Alim, Shipu and Sufian are good friends. They are programmers and their coach is Dipu sir. Sometimes They give training to newbies. Dipu sir ordered to create a very easy problem set for new programmers. They think of a very easy problem. This problem uses some condition in a program and print the result. The condition are:

Condition Print
If date(d) 7 and month(m) 1Happy Birthday To Shipu.
If date(d) 29 and month(m) 4Happy Birthday To Dipu Sir.
If date(d) 30 and month(m) 5Happy Birthday To Fahad vai.
If date(d) 21 and month(m) 6Happy Birthday To Sufian.
If date(d) 11 and month(m) 12Happy Birthday To Alim.
If another day and monthThis is an ordinary day.


Input is a sequence of lines. Each line contains two integer d (1 ≤ d ≤ 31) and m (1 ≤ m ≤ 12).


For each line of input print a single line following by the Print Column.


29 4
11 12
30 5
24 6

Happy Birthday To Dipu Sir.
Happy Birthday To Alim.
Happy Birthday To Fahad vai.
This is an ordinary day.

Problem Setter: Shipu Ahamed, Dept. of CSE Special Thanks: Iffat Arzuman

Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT)

Added by:Shipu Ahamed
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