JO1 - Judging Olympia


For years, a group of Regional Contest Directors (RCDs) of the ACM International Collegiate
Programming Contest (ICPC) have been unsatisfied with the way contest submissions get ranked.
The group sees it is academically wrong to emphasize the importance of program correctness,
disregarding the “quality” of the program itself. After all, programming as a profession promotes
design, style, maintainability, etc. and not just correctness. The group’s suggestion is to have
a panel of six judges. Each judge is assigned the task of grading the submissions based on a
particular aspect: 1) Correctness; 2) Robustness; 3) Overall design; 4) Clarity; 5) Coding style;
and finally 6) Maintainability. The final grade of a submission would be the average of the six
grades it gets.
The old guards of the current ICPC judging style have always responded that it is not possible
to impartially judge a program on anything but correctness. How can the ICPC be certain that
judging is fair? In other words, how can the ICPC be sure that non of the judges is favoring certain
teams and disadvantaging others? Any hint of accusation to the judging process and ICPC loses
the prestigious status it worked on for years. (Alright! So they do have a point.) Still, this hasn’t
stopped other domains from judging candidates based on subjective metrics. Take for example
Gymnastics, or The Nobel Prizes, or even the ACM’s very own Doctoral Dissertation Award.
These are all highly respected awards where the winner is selected by judges using subjective
metrics. ICPC could use a new judging system based on what is used in gymnastics. Rather than
having each judge grade a certain aspect of the program, each of the six judges would assign an
overall grade (out of ten) based on all of the six metrics mentioned above. To enforce impartiality,
the final grade of a submission would be calculated as the average of all the grades after deleting
two grades: The highest and the lowest. Any judge that favors a certain team (and assigns them
an undeserved high grade,) risks the possibility of that grade being dismissed. Similarly, any
judge that attempts to disadvantage a team by assigning them a low grade faces a similar risk.
Write a program to print the final grade of a submission.



For years, a group of Regional Contest Directors (RCDs) of the ACM International Collegiate

Programming Contest (ICPC) have been unsatisfied with the way contest submissions get ranked.

The group sees it is academically wrong to emphasize the importance of program correctness,

disregarding the “quality” of the program itself. After all, programming as a profession promotes

design, style, maintainability, etc. and not just correctness. The group’s suggestion is to have

a panel of six judges. Each judge is assigned the task of grading the submissions based on a

particular aspect: 1) Correctness; 2) Robustness; 3) Overall design; 4) Clarity; 5) Coding style;

and finally 6) Maintainability. The final grade of a submission would be the average of the six

grades it gets.

The old guards of the current ICPC judging style have always responded that it is not possible

to impartially judge a program on anything but correctness. How can the ICPC be certain that

judging is fair? In other words, how can the ICPC be sure that non of the judges is favoring certain

teams and disadvantaging others? Any hint of accusation to the judging process and ICPC loses

the prestigious status it worked on for years. (Alright! So they do have a point.) Still, this hasn’t

stopped other domains from judging candidates based on subjective metrics. Take for example

Gymnastics, or The Nobel Prizes, or even the ACM’s very own Doctoral Dissertation Award.

These are all highly respected awards where the winner is selected by judges using subjective

metrics. ICPC could use a new judging system based on what is used in gymnastics. Rather than

having each judge grade a certain aspect of the program, each of the six judges would assign an

overall grade (out of ten) based on all of the six metrics mentioned above. To enforce impartiality,

the final grade of a submission would be calculated as the average of all the grades after deleting

two grades: The highest and the lowest. Any judge that favors a certain team (and assigns them

an undeserved high grade,) risks the possibility of that grade being dismissed. Similarly, any

judge that attempts to disadvantage a team by assigning them a low grade faces a similar risk.

Write a program to print the final grade of a submission.






Your program will be tested on one or more test cases. Each test case is described on a single

input line listing the grades of the judges. The end of the test cases is identified with a dummy

test case with all the grades being zero.




For each test case, print the grade on a separate line (without unnecessary decimal points and/or




8 8 8 4 4 4
8 8 6 4 4 3
0 0 0 0 0 0


Added by:hanaa
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:C C++ 4.3.2 CPP
Resource:ICPC 2007

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