KKL - Playing Game is Fun!

Saikat and Rifat are studying Computer Science and Engineering in Bangladesh University of Business & Technology. They are in 26 intake batch. Today they  are playing a game with N stones of a pile. On each turn, a player must remove one or two stones. The person who removes the last stone(s) and make the pile empty, wins. If Saikat starts the game and both of them plays optimally, who will win?


Input starts with an integer T(1<=T<=100) denoting the number of test cases. Each test case contains one integer N(1<=N<=106) representing the number of stones.


For each test case, print the case number and “Saikat” if Saikat wins, otherwise print “Rifat” without quote. See the sample input and output for exact format.

Sample Input/Output:

Sample Input

Sample Output





Case 1: Saikat

Case 2: Saikat

Case 3: Rifat

 Problem Setter: Md Abdul Alim, Department of Computer Science, Bangladesh University of Business & Technology

Added by:Alim
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