ONEZERO - Ones and zeros

Certain positive integers have their decimal representation consisting only of ones and zeros, and having at least one digit one, e.g. 101. If a positive integer does not have such a property, one can try to multiply it by some positive integer to find out whether the product has this property.


Number K of test cases (K is approximately 1000);
in each of the next K lines there is one integer n (1 <= n <= 20000)


For each test case, your program should compute the smallest multiple of the number n consisting only of digits 1 and 0 (beginning with 1).




Added by:Paweł Dobrzycki
Time limit:8s
Source limit:4096B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: NODEJS PERL6 VB.NET
Resource:II Polish Olympiad in Informatics, Ist Stage

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2020-04-08 10:31:07
1.learn how to compute mod of a big number using string.
2.use bfs
2020-03-11 08:33:21
A really good question to attempt.
Extremely good concept to keep a track of the mod values.
2019-11-17 21:46:57
You don't need long division, you can simply mod the whole time with the number in input and remember the actual number only as a string and when the modded number becomes zero you return the string.
2019-08-25 09:51:10
Make sure to push s0 before s1, since s0<s1...
2019-05-14 21:37:57 cegprakash
can also be solved using a famous 2 letter algorithm xD

Last edit: 2019-05-14 21:38:22
2019-05-06 13:11:01
My code was not working for test case 99 and 999. I wasted around 1 hour thinking of some optimization. But later came to know that the test cases are very weak. very disappointed
2019-03-20 09:08:01
Great problem. A lot of optimizion you have to do. Got it in 0.22s.
2019-01-21 15:01:48

Last edit: 2019-01-21 15:02:03
2018-10-16 11:07:39
wow just wow !! *__*
2018-07-22 14:15:05
If one is using C++ then for numbers like n=19999,19953, etc. the multiples will exceed the limit of int and eventually you will have to use string. You will have to create a separate function for longDivision. If one is using python then it is very easy problem for python users.
For C++ users the approach is like this:
1. Code to generate binary numbers -- this is simple bfs problem.
2. Perform long division.

Last edit: 2018-07-22 14:15:45
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