SPTTRN4 - Straight Line Spiral Pattern (Act 4)

For this problem we consider spirals drawn as ASCII Art pictures using only the * and . character in an s by s grid. We call s the size of the spiral. Here are example of such spirals for some values of s.

The spiral of size s=3


The spiral of size s=4


The spiral of size s=5


The spiral of size s=6


The spiral of size s=7


The spiral of size s=8


The spiral of size s=9



The first line contains an integer T=1000, which is the number of test cases. Then the next T lines contain 3 integers separated by a single space, namely 3≤s≤10000, 1≤i≤s and 1≤j≤s.


For each test case output in a single line the character of the spiral of size s at row i and at column j.


3 1 1
4 3 2
5 2 3 Output: *

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