TSMIVIOLET - Violet and Her Dream Land

Violet is a little girl who has a dream world where everything works as per as she wants them to be. She always tries to live in her dream world. Her dream world is very unique where she resembles everything in a different way such as she would call the sun as egg yoke (as she is a food lover), park as pasta, and so on..

One day she decided to give some unique names to all the days in a week such as she would call Saturday as Sandwich, Sunday as Soup, Monday as Macaroon, Tuesday as Toffee, Wednesday as Waffles, Thursday as Taco and Friday as French Fries.

She is facing trouble as she decided to give unique name for everything. She wants your help so that you can remind her the names of the days in a week. Whenever she says a day you have to tell her the unique name she has chosen for it.


input contains string S, a day name.


Print the corresponding unique name for the day as Violet decided.




Added by:Sarwar
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Resource:A giveaway problem for intra-university contest basic level

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