AKVLKO01 - A XOR Problem

Let us suppose we have a “N” bit integer X. We call an integer X’ as neighbor-X, if X’ can be obtained by shuffling the bits of integer X.

For example If X = 6 and N = 5, then X will be represented as X = (00110)2, So all the 5 bit integers that have exactly two 1s in their binary representation are called neighbor-X. For example (00011)2, (01001)2, (10100)2, ... all of these are neighbor-X.

Now you are given two N bit integers “X” and “Y”, then you have to find the maximum possible value of (X’ xor Y’) where X’ is neighbor-X.

xor operator takes two bit strings and performs XOR operation between them. For example:

(10010)2 xor (01011)2 = (11001)2


The first line of the input will contain an integer “T”, the number of test cases. Each of the next “T” lines will contain three integers “N”, “X” and “Y”, N is the number of bits in integers X and Y.


For each test case you have to print the maximum possible value of (X’ xor Y’) in a separate line.


1 <= T <= 50

1 <= N <= 30

0 <= X, Y < 2^N 


3 5 4
5 0 1
4 3 7



In the first case X = 5 = (101)2 and Y = 4 = (100)2, So we can have X' = (101)2 and Y' = (010)2, X' xor Y' = (111)2 = 7

In the second case X = 0 = (00000)2 and Y = 1 = (00001)2, So we can have X' = (00000)2 and Y' = (10000)2, X' xor Y' = (10000)2 = 16

In the third case X = 3 = (0011)2 and Y = 7 = (0111)2, So we can have X' = (0011)2 and Y' = (1101)2, X' xor Y' = (1110)2 = 14

Added by:Ankit Kumar Vats
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2015-02-05 14:06:58 dumb
this reminds me DragonXoR
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