LASTDIG - The last digit

Nestor was doing the work of his math class about three days but he is tired of make operations a lot and he should deliver his task tomorrow. His math’s teacher gives him two numbers a and b. The problem consist of finding the last digit of the potency of base a and index b. Help Nestor with his problem. You are given two integer numbers: the base a (0 <= a <= 20) and the index b (0 <= b <= 2,147,483,000), a and b both are not 0. You have to find the last digit of ab.


The first line of input contains an integer t, the number of test cases (t <= 30). t test cases follow. For each test case will appear a and b separated by space.


For each test case output an integer per line representing the result.


3 10
6 2

Output: 9 6

Added by:Jose Daniel Rodriguez Morales
Time limit:1s
Source limit:700B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: GOSU

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2020-07-08 10:12:01
AC After 14 Times of failed submission. Python is horrible for CP. I think I should start learning c++.

[NG] This problem can be solved in 0.00s with Python. I think you should start learning to code.

Last edit: 2020-07-08 10:18:04
2020-06-30 12:10:36
Solved in one go using modular exponentiation four :- (a ^ n) % 10 = ( ( (a % 10) ^ n);
2020-06-29 07:44:07
hint: Apply fast modular exponentiation using bitmasking.
2020-06-27 12:34:31
by using binary exponentiation answer is obtained in my system ide but online judge is claiming that its a wrong answer. Kindly anyone help me through it _/\_
2020-06-10 14:39:44
Turns out "a and b both are not 0" means that both are not simultaneously zero but can be individually zero
2020-06-09 08:48:34
700 Bytes how to resolve ?
2020-06-04 01:14:59
i cant find any mistake in my code pls hlp

Last edit: 2020-06-04 01:15:16
2020-05-30 05:45:25
stupid endl !!
2020-05-18 15:00:57
Here we only need to calculate (a^b)mod 10 with the help of modular exponentiation.

Last edit: 2020-05-18 15:05:57
2020-05-17 19:37:34
700B lol
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